በትርታ ይጀምራል ትር ትር ይልና ይተረታል ወይንም ይተረተራል፤

ተረት ይሆናል

With the vibration IT begins…in the vibration IT sounds…in the narration or distortion,

IT ends…TO BE –or- as a Tale ...

.......The fishes get their prey, if only YOU "move, click and tick" (say... reflect) in the aquarium. If you "play & prey (even pray)" outside the aquarium...it is meaningless ...for the fishes............

A blog for documents and studies on the development of

Human "Consciousness", to help and

promote the process of rational reflection.


The Highlight here will be, working towards the high objectives of harmony in the Ethiopian Social-Reality: PEACE, freedom of CULTURE, scientific PERFECTION and tolerant FAITH. Any knowledge, without the slightest touch of dogmatism; whose purpose is enlightening and freeing the human species to celebrate its full liberty and eventual perfection, is always welcome.

The Quintessence of Life

Friday, 11 February 2011

"People & Power - Egypt: Seeds of change"

This is just an astonishing story of how high a firm HUMAN WILL could fly.

The Flight to Freedom and Liberation of a Nation, which we have been witnessing during the last 3 weeks in Egypt, crowned by a success today, the 11th February of 2011.

The Seeds of Revolution in Egypt.

People & Power - Egypt: Seeds of change






THAT IS simply COMMON WILL! The sense of common will!



EGYPT has made History in Africa!

Words of Emotion -to- -EGYPT-

Words of Emotion -to- -Egypt-

"Make it as simple as possible, but not less simple" (Einstein)

"Oh," said the mouse, "the world is becoming tighter with each passing day. First, it was so wide that I was afraid. I ran and ran on and was happy to finally find a wall in a distance. Left and right in the distance I saw the walls, but these long walls rush so quickly to each other that I already find myself in the last room, and there at an angle, is the trap in which I run."-

" You only have to change the direction, „said the cat and ate the rat.

(Kafka fable…My translation; 1/)


Lacks the State,
The “Stick and the Stock”?

NO ! NO! NO!


DON’T STICK, Mubarak!

To Your CHAIR! To the Demise!


Africa lacks DEMOCRACY!

NOT People like you!

The Dead Ends and Heads!



Call the spade by the name!

Let the cat be a cat!

Let the rat be a rat!

For a sufficient LIFE;

Like the Yin and Yang

In the Eastern Wisdom,

Like the Son and Father

In the Christian Faith,

Like the Star and the Moon,

In the Sufi mystics,

In the Muslim Belief.


FOR The Democratic Camp –The Protest

Call it, if you like, Demo-Cracy,

But Attention! Demagogy,

“Z” and “c”, Philology.

At times and History,

Demo-craCy goes craZy…

At such moments,

Stop TIME,

Go and Go ahead,

To the SOURCE....the best b-reed,

The Origin, the best c-reed.

Change your mind

Challenge your head.

Don’t hesitate,

Break your head,

Break your heart

You would have IT,



universal, AFRICAN BEAT,

The Cradle, the HUMAN ROOT.


For The Military:

Challenge your head,

You will get your bread.

Change your mind,

You will get your state,

You are now at stake.

You may change,

The waters in the seas

A thousand, and a hundred times.

Never could a rock,

And a dead fish swim.

The Shift, the Rift,...the Move,

And the PEACE you lack,

It's in your MIND.

Not the STATE,

The “Stick or the Stock”

YOU! You have to “develop”!

Make your mind,

Mold your set;

Build your head,

Right and left, left and right

Make a set.

Step ahead or backward

Ask the dead or the old,

The Antic, the Polis,

Your meta - the Physics,


The maxim,

Is as old,... as Mankind.

And the DEAD ENDS,

Are your heads.

Africa, has a LOT,

Of your sort and your lots.

It is Them, the DEAD ENDS,


Africa needs, not a shift In Para-DIGM,

Is a shift and shuffle of the kinds,

That it lacks.

For its peace, for its fate,

Rich in bread,

Healthy child, best YOUTH, best mind...


Call it, if you like, Demo-Cracy,

But Attention! Demagogy,

“Z” and “c”, Philology.

At times and History,

Demo-craCy goes craZy…

At such moments,

Stop TIME,

Go and Go ahead,

To the SOURCE....the best b-reed,

The Origin, the best c-reed.

Change your mind

Challenge your head.

Don’t hesitate,

Break your head,

Break your heart

You would have IT,



universal, AFRICAN BEAT.

Challenge your head,

You will get your bread.

Change your mind,

You will get your state,

You are now at stake.


For The Military and The People:

Challenge your head,

You will get your bread.

Change your mind,

You will get your state,

You are now at stake.

If you have in mind,

The dead end and the rat

In the KAFKA FABLE (1),

The wall and the cat...

The cat ... is just a cat

Not a friend not a rat.

It is good for the rat

Not to follow suite,

Not to consult the cat.


Don’t ache your head,

Don't pose like a cat,

One can live like a rat,

If you are not a cat!

If you are not a rat, nor a cat,

Make a leap, take a ride

You may not need such a state

Nor a shift ...not a shit or a sheet!

Change your mind,

Challenge your head,

Mold your set.

Build your head,

Right and left, left and right

Build a mind, make a set;

The Dead Ends are your Heads

In your Heads,


Not the STATE, nor the RENTS.

Soft is ... the conflict,

The state and private.

Hard are the rocks,

Concrete, the cement, the matter,

The grey in your heads,

Need the shift.




1/) The Kafka fable in the original German:


" »Ach«, sagte die Maus, »die Welt wird enger mit jedem Tag. Zuerst war sie so breit, dass ich Angst hatte, ich lief weiter und war glücklich, dass ich endlich rechts und links in der Ferne Mauern sah, aber diese langen Mauern eilen so schnell aufeinander zu, dass ich schon im letzten Zimmer bin, und dort im Winkel steht die Falle, in die ich laufe.« – »Du musst nur die Laufrichtung ändern«, sagte die Katze und fraß sie."

*2) Rephrased from the original below, with dedication to the heroic youth of Egypt!


Mubarak (v.): To stick something, or to glue something

He sticks to his old chair to divide the Nation of Egypt! But this will make the Egyptian nation more united than ever and he will LEAVE...LEAVE...LEAVE


This is the product of the holy alliance of Israel and Saudi Arabian, who stick to Mubarek for their own sake, stake and stocks. The west is dancing around the bush, as usual!



brings the whole cynic play of the Egyptian ruling class to the point:

"New word added to Oxford Dictionary:

Mubarak (v.): To stick something, or to glue something.

Example: “I will punch you and mubarak you to the wall”; or “You can mubarak the pieces to hold them together”.


Thursday, 10 February 2011

The DEAD ENDS - The Dead Heads

Challenge Your Head

And the DEAD ENDS,
Are your heads.
Africa, has a LOT,
Of your sort and your lots.
It is You, the DEAD ENDS,

Africa needs, not a shift
In Para-DIGM,
Is a shift and shuffle of your kinds,
That it lacks.
For its peace, for its fate,
Rich in bread.
Healthy child, best mind...

Call it, if you like, Demo-Cracy,

But Attention! Demagogy,

“Z” and “c”, Philology.

At times and History,

Demo-craCy goes craZy…

At such moments,
Stop TIME,

Go and Go ahead,
To the SOURCE....the best breed.
Change your mind
Challenge your head.
Don’t hesitate,
Break your head,
Break your heart
You would have IT,

universal, AFRICAN BEAT.

EGYPT: Breaking Beautiful News! Which turned to disaster.....It will be his DEMISE

Evening, 10.02.11:

IT is a SCANDAL...What a CYNICISM! What a Hypocrit! Let him go to Hell! ! Where was He all the 30 years not to come to this "wisdom" of "mourning" and being concerned for the "youth"!


He sticks to his old chair to divide the Nation of Egypt! But this will make the Egyptian nation more united and he will LEAVE...LEAVE...LEAVE


This is the product of the holy alliance of Israel and Saudi Arabian, who stick to Mubarek for their own sake, stake and stocks. The west is dancing around the bush, as usual!
At such moments,

Stop TIME,

Challenge Your Head

Go and Go ahead,
To the SOURCE....the best breed.
Change your mind
Challenge your head.
Don’t hesitate,
Break your head,
Break your heart
You would have IT,

universal, AFRICAN BEAT.

Afternoon, 10.02.11:


What a Revolution! Egypt celebrates! Actually A Celebration for All Africa!

Whatever the process in the coming months!

Hosni MUBAREK - The END of 30 Years Tyranny!


Which one of the contending big IDEAS will win the minds and the hearts of THE YOUTH?

Another Blend of Dictatorship, Ideological dogma and Religion


The vision of ENLIGTENMENT and Genuine Democracy!



Wednesday, 9 February 2011

"The Algebra of Empathy"

If only we had enough of the sense of empathy!

I.e. Genuine & Mutual Trust, a big handicap of our Ethiopian social collective today, hampering the breakthrough for a common purpose - YES not more not less than the big sense of Freedom at ALL levels!

However, it seems that we, Ethiopians, with the Vision for a substantial CHANGE
to realize a genuine democratic society in our community are still involved in the "zero-sum" skirmish with and within each other, at all levels ( from individual to individual at the micro level; up to ethnic and national groups within and against each other, which may end disastrous unless we come down to conceive the common real and natural ground of the sense of empathy, basic for the working ground of any form of social interaction ( family, community, state and nation).

As alluded in several posts of this blog, I think the research paper below will indicate, a lot of "the emerging science and discovery" on social cognition and related theory of consciousness and mind in the last decades, to help us - specially the elite- to come to the silence of the mind and work on the substantial transformation of our nation - Ethiopia - towards genuine Democracy and Freedom!

Among the other authors of the paper,
Ben Goertzel *1) seems to be an extraordinary mind, who has tremendous records of original thoughts on "Mind and Consciousness". Just came across him today, while looking for scientific works on "Mirror Neurons".

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

"HAUTNAH" - Touching a Revolution

The "diary" which feels like touching a revolution, and yet with an intellectual colour; - It helps understanding change down to earth, on the ground, from the ground, out of the source!


And this is important, irrespective of the final collective and structural outcome.
Yes, it is true:
"Once it (the revolution/Change, BA) has been realised, it cannot be wiped out of people’s minds again. It will be an experience that, with different colourings and from different perspectives, will mark an entire generation."...
since, "It is not just a protest against an oppressive regime and a demand for freedom. In itself, it is freedom. It is a real, actual, lived moment of the freedom and dignity that the pro-democracy movement demands." (cf. the above link, notes 28).

And this -FREEDOM- is not just a case for an Egyptian. I believe, We, specially as ETHIOPIANS, have to feel it all; we all have to share the feeling. As a rehersal, hoping to sing one DAY the same old song, the ineffable beautiful music of freedom - common to all humanity! If only we had enough of the sense of empathy*1)! I.e. Genuine & Mutual Trust, a big handicap of our Ethiopian social collective today, hampering the breakthrough for a common purpose - YES not more not less than the big sense of Freedom at ALL levels!


"If you read this and live in a democratic country call your MP, call your government, call your president, and tell them that the slightest degree of support to Mubarak’s regime is the same as supporting crimes against humanity. Only a democratic government elected by the people of Egypt can be an acceptable partner to the world community." (cf. the above link, notes 26).


"Move, Click and Tick" in the aquarium!

*** collective
** interactive
* sovereign

data="http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/112581010116074801021/fish.swf?up_fishColor3=40F46A&up_fishColor6=241F1E&up_fishColor9=F45540&up_fishColor10=F45540&up_fishColor1=F440D3&up_fishColor4=0C10FA&up_foodColor=FCB347&up_fishName=Fish&up_numFish=8&up_backgroundImage=http://&up_backgroundColor=F0F7FF&up_fishColor2=F45540&up_fishColor8=40F4EE&up_fishColor5=F4EE40&up_fishColor7=FFFFFF&" width="300" height="200">& amp; lt;param name="movie"
*1) May be, if only we were aware enough of the so-called "mirror-neurons" for the sense of empathy. This is not only a moral issue, but a real nature!


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A Flash of the Day (Archive)

1. Working on the big "GOOD SENSE": The sense of Beauty.
( via cf. "The Logic of Sense" /Deleuze) (9/2010)

2. በትርታ ይጀምራል፤ ትር ትር ይልና ይተርታል ወይንም ይተረታል ወይንም ተረት ይሆንና ይተረተራል፤ ተረት ይሆናል።(9/2010)

3. Degrading the other to "none-will" is inhuman and counter productive... The human point is to come to a common "Big-Will"(10/2010)

4. The "inner universe" (mystics) to the "outer universe" (physics) is allegorically related as the conscious mind to the virus in the human body. (6/10/2010)

5. Feeling is the language of the "inner Universe". Music/arts is the interface between the "inner" and "outer" universe.

6. Demoralization is a disgusting political tool -an expression of inhumanity employed in a social evolution, indicating the inhumanity of the employer! A disaster! (7/10/2010).

7. "In Girard's language, the law order is "mythical" and as such obeys the logic of the founding murder." (cf. Peter Robert Stork; 2005)

8. "Wenn sich zwei streiten, freut sich der Dritte"/
When two people quarrel, a third rejoices... This will be a legacy; and in the 21st century, "Wenn sich zwei einigen, freut sich der Dritte" may take over. /A mutual understanding of two people rejoices the third/.

9. My quotation of the Day (8.11.10):

Baldwin’s thought: ("The Baldwin effect")
“It is as inexorable as the colour of his eyes and the shape of his nose. He is born into a system of social relationships just as he is born into a certain quality of air. As he grows in body by breathing the one, so he grows in mind by absorbing the other.’ (Baldwin, 1906: 69-70)

If "I AM" the observer (the conscious entity) so that the quanta of matter/mass (the wave function) would collapse to be a particle /the particle object), enhancing IT to the phase of THE Existing Reality.
Couldn't I -The Self- hope and help the spiritual energy/ my consciousness/ as well, to extend the transformed energy /After Life/to collapse into that existence of "THAT Beyond" Life (1). Life pertaining to "intelligent" energy (spiritual beings in the sphere of the Akashic Field), as the reflection of the "intelligent" matter or mass (human beings in the sphere of "thermodynamics" or gravity ). 17.11.10

(1) like J.Wheeler's Model of "the participating observer" in the Universe.

11. Forget Time! And mind Your Mind only (24.11.10).
I.e. "Talk about "time out of mind"!"(1)

(1) http://www.megafoundation.org/CTMU/Articles/Time.html

12. Wikileaks in Amharic philo-play:

የዊቂ -ሊቅ ሰዋ ስው ...ባልታወቀ ነገር፤ሊቅ ፤ቂል ፤ ቅልቅል ፤ ቅል፤ ቀላል ቂል ወይስ ....በቃኝ ብሎ፤ ቅንጣት ቅብ -ብቅል ቀልቦ ፤ወደ ብቃት ሲቃ፤ ሲግዋዝ ይሁን ፤ ሲያንቀጠቅጥ ወይስ ተቀላቅሎ ሲያንቀለቅል።ያልታወቀ ነገር።

13. Gates and Centres:

Life , nature and actually the whole Universe know nothing about Top and Bottom or Up and Down. There are just centres in reality. Centres and Centres with all of them having their Gates, Gates leading to the Centres. What is wrong with mankind, always with the tick for tops and bottoms or ups and downs and not centres, but fixed to the gates, without the moral courage to move towards the centres -to build the symphony
- the symphony in the SPHERE.


- The SPHERE of IDEAS is THE WORD of the SOURCE. THE WORD - The PLAY where this ASHORE and that BEYOND of the HARMONY is eternally tuned to exist in the SYMPHONY of ALL, flowing and floating like in the "Ballet piece of Joseph Strauss " -the Dynamiden Waltz- with every being offering its harmonious "musical touch". (cf. The Harmony Model)

Morning, 03.12.10

ሰው በምግብ ብቻ አይኖርም....ወሎ

14. መቃብር ላይ የሚፃፍ /+++ተጨማሪ!/

መቃብር ላይ የሚፃፍ (ከርፖርተር የተገኘ)

ጥብቅ ማሳሰቢያ ሸክላን ለምትሠሩ፤
እዚህ መቃብር ላይ አፈር አትዝገኑ፡፡
ሲነድ ሲቃጠል ሲጨስ በመኖሩ፣

ሲቃጠል ለሚኖር፣
ለጀበና መሥሪያ አይሆንም አፈሩ፡፡

(አንድ ከሚመለከተው የተጨመረ!
ከመቃብር በፊት)

ሰው ለመስራት ብቻ ከፍቀደ አየሩ
ክህነት ካላችሁ አሰቡ መርምሩ
ተራ ከገባችሁ ዘክሩ አስዘክሩ
ያልሆነው እንዲሆን ምከሩ ሞክሩ
ሽቀጣና ሽቀት እንዳይሆን ሃገሩ
አንድ ቀን እንደሆን አይቀር መቃ-ብሩ።

Michelle Holliday's Humanity 4.0 

15. Human DIGNITY:

21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!

11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!

Thanks to Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!

እንደዚህ ሆነና ...እስኪሆን ይሆናል!



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Statement of Principle

Life is a jewel, a gift of the Absolute, which compares and equals nothing, other than its own defence and purpose:


Dedicated for all who suffered and lost their lives for the well-being of Ethiopia