Correlation of the Micro-Particle with the Socio-Natural Reality (Part II)
The four interactional forces at the micro-particle, which correlate with the four planes of the socio-natural reality at the macro-level of social dynamics, may indicate complex intrinsic relations with one another (as if the micro-particle is the last instance of bifurcations in nature and its structures). Given this fact, with social harmony as the all encompassing attractor of meaning for a social-complex at large, the macro-coordinates of social-dynamics, can be interpreted along the three modes of syntheses, mostly employed by philosophers (Deleuze, Whitehead, & Kant, all under their own parlance but suggesting close similarities) and an additional one, which follows out of the logic of the “harmony model”:
Connective Synthesis
Disjunctive Synthesis
Conjunctive Synthesis
Sources Dimensions state & laws community & Ethics Family & love human & hope mankind & conscience nature & religion universe & faith absolute/God & deliverance Axes humanity(h) mass(m) Intelligence quality of music(q) speed of light(c) Energy (E) Planes social material cultural spiritual Cross-sections across Planes material - social spiritual - cultural | Syntheses connective/k between state & laws community & Ethics Family & love human & hope mankind & conscience nature & religion universe & faith absolute/God & deliverance disjunctive/h,..around humanity(h) mass(m) Intelligence(I) quality of music(q) speed of light(c/l)Energy (E) conjunctive/p within social material cultural spiritual planes reflective/r between Planes of different spheres material (absolute sphere) & social (human sphere) spiritual (absolute sphere) & cultural (human sphere) | Productions of Structures - emergence of state structures: community institutions, Organisations etc. with diverse modes of productions (social), aesthetics (cultural), perceptions (material) and enlightenment (spiritual) Recording processes around relevant strange attractors of meanings(SAMs) Consumption- -Production cycles “the eternal return” Values material & spiritual values are defined and innovations take place, processes regenerate |
Agency legends and short elaborations
A social collective is populated by different multiplicities of actors,
with different preferences of interests and attractors of meanings.
The actors are here designated collectively as agency
- The Human agency
This agency is divided into three big sections with the “participation”(Plato)
of the two singularities, the Human and the Absolute :
A. Elite
B. Mass
C. Youth
D. Human
E. God
A. The Elite is that multiplicity of singularities in a given social complex, who are priviledged materially, socially, or spiritually , due to different circumstances -history, culture, tradition/hereditary, education
B. The Mass is taken as the assemblage of all the underprivileged
C. The Youth is taken to be a multiplicity of citizens under 40 covering
D. Human is the abstractions of the autonomous, sovereign and
independent Individual; the future or rather “the crystal image”.
E. God is the abstraction of symmetry control parameters from “initial
"A BwO is made in such a way that it can be occupied, populated only by
intensities. Only intensities pass and circulate. Still, the BwO is not a scene, a place, or even a support upon which something comes to pass... It is not space, nor is it in space; it is matter that occupies space to a given degree -to the degree corresponding to the intensities produced. It is nonstratified,
unformed, intense matter, the matrix of intensity, intensity=0 ... Production of the real as an intensive magnitude starting at zero." *
My BwO:
expressed by
Intelligence, I = hq2
Energy, E = mc2
“emerging” to the function of Harmony….
Dynamic Harmony always embedded in time...and space.
S ource <<== >>> Funktion (I, E)<<====>>Funktion (E, I) <<==>>> D estiny
*Cited in …
{ Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. A Thousand Plateaus. op. cit. p.153}
Part III comes next....
The Complete paper can be downloaded at : SYNTHESIS