በትርታ ይጀምራል ትር ትር ይልና ይተረታል ወይንም ይተረተራል፤
ተረት ይሆናል…
With the vibration IT begins…in the vibration IT sounds…in the narration or distortion,
IT ends…TO BE –or- as a Tale ...
.......The fishes get their prey, if only YOU "move, click and tick" (say... reflect) in the aquarium. If you "play & prey (even pray)" outside the is meaningless ...for the fishes............
A blog for documents and studies on the development of
Human "Consciousness", to help and
promote the process of rational reflection.
The Highlight here will be, working towards the high objectives of harmony in the Ethiopian Social-Reality: PEACE, freedom of CULTURE, scientific PERFECTION and tolerant FAITH. Any knowledge, without the slightest touch of dogmatism; whose purpose is enlightening and freeing the human species to celebrate its full liberty and eventual perfection, is always welcome.
"The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling, is at the centre of true religion." - Albert Einstein
....At the centre of Faith.
Life & Purpose! ……………………………………The Ethiopian Perspective
A Simple Sketch of Common Sense
(First published on the ocasion of the Ethiopian Millenium Day)
The Purpose of Life for the modern man is to develop a condition of social harmony, where mankind can eventually achieve its higher objectives of Peace, High Culture, Perfection/Prosperity and a tolerant atmosphere of Faith in a human society, so that every Man-Woman can appreciate and enjoy a Harmonious Life.
- HARMONY in all aspects of Life – -Individual, social, cultural, natural or spiritual.
In every society at a definite time and space parallel to the natural reality of life, there is a social reality which is working its way through history. This social reality is different for every society and has to be perceived in its relation to the sum total of its intellectual leadership, whatever is available at the disposal of that society. The point is only whether one is aware of this reality and in a position to understand the moments and all the elements of harmony, emanating from the natural and social reality. And these moments and elements have to be appraised not in their differences but essentially in their unity and complex interactions to be capable of giving the necessary intellectual leadership, in the sense of all godly and human high virtues to keep life at its best quality for that society. If the sum total of the intellectual section of that society i.e. the elite, are not conscious of their social reality in all possible dimensions, like any position and moment of the harmony, they are also simply objects liable to be moved in any direction as the harmony of life finds it necessary. History has enough testimonies how the inherent necessity of harmony in nature has retaliated either in the nature of Man (revolutions, wars...etc) or on its account (natural catastrophes, destitution, hunger etc.) reminding Man to do something (science, culture...) about its condition. In such circumstances and above all, if the elite of that social reality are blindfolded by their sectional interests, irrespective of what they may think of themselves entertaining an illusion to have a firm command of their conditions, they are degraded to the level of the other objects of the social reality. They are not subjects with the intellectual capacity to determine and move the history of their society in a harmonious manner. It is in such situations, that societies are at their lowest levels of Collective Intelligence and would drift away into different calamities, human catastrophes of history, be it in the form of wars, internal conflicts, revolutions or human destitution and destruction. This is the case until the social reality re-establishes its harmony again, when the community at large would somehow function by picking its intellectual subject and pave the way to legitimate a new formation of the elite, eligible for that society at that context of history.
If this community does not maintain the harmony incorporating the high level of philosophical and intellectual capacity necessary for that society, this can also last only until the next phase of disharmony begins. This means to maintain the harmony, the elite i.e. the political class (the total sum of the elite from culture, politics, science and faith) should consistently give the necessary leadership taking into account all the necessary elements of a harmonious life in the nation, a modern nation which can fulfil all the requirements of stability and sovereignty and work for its people, in its sphere of influence towards the high objectives of mankind.
This is the basic consensus, which a nation today needs in order to guarantee an all round and acceptable existence of its members. An intellectual component of a society, which cannot stand up for this basic standard cannot claim to have the intellectual attribute it believes to have and is in effect a playing object of other nations and their leadership. Ethiopia has lost this capacity at least for the last forty years. This stretches deep into the middle period of Emperor Haile Selassie, until the different moments of disharmony began to emerge in search of a new intellectual leadership or political class; which failed until today. On the other hand, the Ethiopian people, are growing mature accepting the challenge of disharmony and showing their readiness to work for their harmonious destiny. However, the elite are still not capable of resolving their own disharmony to work out a functioning system with the people to come to the social harmony, which that society highly needs at the moment. The Ethiopian people are calling for a human progress and a genuine intellectual leadership which equals their readiness to change their miserable plight towards prosperity and a higher culture, which will bring about harmony and as a consequence the welfare of the society. What is the quintessence of life and what are the dimensions of this HARMONY?
To make a picture of the following Model of Harmony,
see more in
The following is an extract of a detailed paper elaborating the Model
The Quintessence of L I F E
There are four planes, which could represent the quintessence of life at a highly macro level:-
I. The social plane
1. State
2. Community
3. Family
II. The cultural plane
1. Laws
2. Ethics
3. Love
III. The Material plane
5. Mankind
6. Nature
7. The Universe
IV. The Spiritual plane
5. Conscience
6. Religion
7. Faith
The interfaces on the transcendental level (which are not points of discussion here) are
V. The Human plane (consisting of these four planes)
4. The Human Being & Hope
VI. The Absolute plane (consisting of all the planes)
8. The Absolute & Deliverance
There are eight Dimensions making the Backbone of these Planes
1. The State & Laws 5. Mankind & Conscience
2. Community & Ethics 6. Nature & Religion
3. Family & Love 7. The Universe & Faith
4. The Human Being & Hope 8. God, the Absolute & Deliverance
These Dimensions have their corresponding Axis:
1. Humanity (h) 5. Mass (m)
2. Intelligence/Consciousness (I) 6. Energy (E)
3. Quality of Music (q) 7. Light (c)
4. Destiny (D) 8. The Source (S)
The Purpose of Life is HARMONY within and between the four Planes of Life and achieving the corresponding Higher Objectives of Mankind:-
Peace, Culture, Perfection and Faith.
Higher objectives
Harmony is not a constant state of life where everything functions like a “Perpetuum Mobile”. Moreover it is not a phenomenon like a building out of similar bricks, with every bit of them fitting to each other and every section of life to be uniform to function like those parades of masses of people on big celebrations of former communist countries or sport opening ceremonies, to demonstrate in vain some sort of art. On the contrary, Man is by far beyond this state of intellectual abyss and with reason and logic reigning on the human mind today, the nature of harmony is the opposite, demanding diversity and even quantum complexity as its prerequisite to be real in life.
And above all, harmony is a state of existence highly embedded in the factor of time, reaching out for eternity and longing for infinity. Do we like to imagine where the limits of the universe are? Is the Mind ready to contemplate on how abstract the quantum dimension is, that holds us together or what the ultimate force behind all this matter, conscious or unconscious, visible, dark or whatever else could be?.... For instance just a newly discovered one galaxy, out of innumerable others, which is much bigger than our milky way, contains billions of stars…cosmologists speculate even on the existence of a multiple of similar universes like ours….etc. …etc.. Can we easily accommodate such facts in our minds? Therefore harmony is not a state of tranquillity and rest but full of all the moments and vectors of life conceived in space and time. Harmony is an art and state of equilibrium constituting and allowing the existence of all its elements at a time always moving towards a still higher purpose; which is again nothing other than harmony itself. With this in mind harmony is thus necessarily embedded in a fundamental of higher objectives, which could always be formulated for the various sections of harmony in particular or higher objectives inherently related to the four planes of life in general, which provide the big purpose of life its concrete nature.
These higher objectives are: PEACE, High CULTURE, PERFECTION and FAITH
I. Peace for the social plane
The concrete purpose of any state form (e.g. Democracy), the community and the family can be nothing less than peace. If we want to save ourselves from further calamities, wars, and all sorts of inhuman social conflicts, as witnessed in our recent history (WWII etc.), this higher objective can only be attained through an appropriate social justice and welfare. Otherwise, we are driving towards what a wise Ethiopian may call “Eyaweku Aleku” (“a conscious self destruction”) – another form of destruction. Irrespective of the insanity of the actors, in the name of “enduring freedom” or the promise of the “heaven beyond”, the “cultural conflict”, which is hovering today over the world around the question of “Atomic Energy and the dream or the nightmare of a religious National superiority” is not accidental and has its social ground and may be the forerunner of the next round of human destruction, if the human species fail to work for peace, social justice and welfare. There is no way that this round of destruction could be less inhuman than the recent past, which was more or less ideologically conditioned. How would it be like with an additional religious dimension?
II. Culture/ High culture for the cultural plane
Culture- High culture means human culture based on the high level of scientific progress with the respect of all human cultural background as diversified as it is today, historically handed over to the modern human from every section of the human species. Imagine a virtuoso classical music, which would caress all your senses***, which would move your loving heart, which will enhance the silence of your mind, which will inspire you with a transcendental vision, thereby elevating your passion and respect for life and the human. This can only be achieved by the genius, who is in a position to combine all variations of notes by means of a high musical intellect one can imagine of. Or imagine a nice field and steppes of flowers made up of only tulips in one geometrical form or the other, in comparison to that of a big garden with different forms of planes full of all the varieties of flowers existing today in nature - from the well known beautiful black red rose to a cactus flower etc. It does not require a special intellect to tell which would be appealing and delighting to the healthy mind, be it the artist or the layman. The same is true with Culture and High Culture, which can be a panorama of all cultures from all shades and corners of the human species at a definite time, without the slightest propensity of exclusiveness. Not exclusive but always working on the elevation of the human intellect towards the essential substance of the human mind – reason and logic, supported by some form of faith; Faith which as discussed below, is itself one of the higher objective of life too.
III. Perfection for the material plane
Mankind as a species, not only represented by its highest intellects, but also even by that of the common intellect, has the affinity for perfection and it lies in the nature of the human to be curious and always in the search for a higher knowledge. This may be, as protagonists of evolution may presume, due to the higher instincts of survival in the “highly aggressive state of nature”. Survival of the fittest for the human however, can be more easily realised through a higher intellect than through a tougher tentacle – the muscles. This is true, though history is also full of other facts on events which are contrary to reason and logic. In spite of all odds, this did not however prevent the human species to progress towards perfection. Every period of life has produced its jewels of humans, who have the courage and the intellect to develop science as far as their ages could manage, so that we would enjoy its fruits. Enjoy and develop all spheres of science, always critically appraised to go further towards perfection initiating a new scope. Science is always an open phenomena and remains so, as long as the human being manages to maintain its existence, and life; Life with a Purpose. In other words the higher objective of the material plane is perfection with the strong support of science; Science for the promotion of peace and human culture.
IV. Faith for the spiritual plane
Faith is strictly speaking a domain of the sovereign individual; the individual free of any constraints. It is not with a longing for the past or out of nostalgic sentiments, if it is suggested here to change the well known aphorism of the last Emperor; “Haymanot yegil new “ to “Imnet Yegil new”. “ Faith (not religion) belongs to the sphere of the individual”. This is true, if all the prerequisites of a high human culture with the necessary welfare and peace on the basis of reason and logic were available. But this is not the reality, though, given the scientific progress of today, combined with the available spiritual prerequisite, the abundant wealth could have been sufficient enough to entertain such a culture.. The higher insight hadn’t unfortunately made its way through the mind of every individual, that the source of pleasure does not lie in the accumulation of wealth but somewhere in the mind of the self for the bliss of knowledge (cf. Aristotle) or somewhere between heaven and earth or like Kafka would simply say over the surface and under the feet. But unfortunately we are still staggering on an earth – otherwise the beautiful earth – where one feels to be happy touching the barren sand of the moon and on the other side, a child on this same earth dies out of destitution by every tick of the minute; and the former could sleep at night silently, without being nagged by the slightest bit of conscience whatsoever. Because of all such hard facts, the necessity of the state for the social reality of today is apparent, be it for the administration of social and civil justice, and be it for the administration and distribution of wealth or controlling and monitoring of the latter with the help of the “magical market forces”. Likewise mankind is today full of all sorts of faiths and all kinds of religions. Whether or not with a highly genuine spiritual purpose or as a style of life, these spiritual instances attract and absorb the individuals or groups of mankind, since it lies in the nature of the human to be spiritually affiliated to this or that sect. As long as they are not instances of human manipulations, as unfortunately they indeed mostly are, these religions or faiths constituted in all forms of institutions could play a healthy social role. They can fulfil their social purposes in helping to elevate mankind, if not in the possible spiritual humbleness, at least, in the sense of human ethics and in its moral awareness. If we are lucky and the intellectual level of the society allows, this objective can more or less be fulfilled by the religions available today. And thanks god, ample humanist intellectuals have pleaded for religion not to meddle in the secular section of life. At least in the regions where enlightenment has succeeded, it is established, that the civil state should be free of any religious affiliation or attachment, which is the most optimal way of looking at it. The Faith posited here, as the high objective of the harmony of life, is but of a higher abstraction. This is, on the one hand the sum total of the philosophy of enlightenment and the belief that the human mind would be at its summit of intellectual abstraction capacity and would touch all godly virtues, when it is free of any institutions, dogmas and religions in their traditional interpretation of disciplining the life of the human. Without the inherent insight emanating from oneself, liberation of the self would not be materialized. This way of attitude can be manifested in all forms of intellectual devotion or system of belief, be it philosophy or religion. On the other side, there is the quintessence of the sum total of all institutionalised manifestations of religions, which could serve as instances of ethics and moral awareness, which are of spiritual nature but also secular enough to be in favour of life and in an indirect service of the state where they exist. Whether, those from the traditional religion politically liberated intellectuals like it or not, the form of faith whose moments stretch in the two directions mentioned is amply present in the social reality of today. And it is the quintessence of all these aspects of faith, which I concretely posit as a higher objective for the spiritual plane at large. This culminates ultimately in the Faith for life with the purpose of realising the other high objectives of mankind. Peace, perfection and culture, which in turn will lead us to the longed harmony in society and the intellectual individual mind at its highest level of intelligence based on reason and logic, which is again itself not devoid of faith for a still higher purpose; a higher purpose beyond human dimension, with which only the mind can and may prepare itself - if not endowed by nature and historical process in its substance, as some may be - a ready mind at least in the will,
The will for a healthy human conscience to live with once neighbour;
The will for a state of peaceful existence;
The will to learn and progress towards perfection;
The will to appreciate the development of human culture in its diversity and complexity;
And never the arrogance of superiority in an inhuman uniformity, negating the very nature of life or pseudo equality in a uniformity of life, for the purpose of manipulating man. Can you make out of a cactus tree a eucalyptus, or is it better and wiser to make their common soil fertile? The faith in Harmony is not a belief in uniformity like religions of this or that colour may propagate. On the contrary, it is a state of existence with diversity and complexity as its prerequisites. It is with this conception that Faith is presented as one of the four high objectives of life in harmony. Faith as the crème de la crème emanating out of the healthy human conscience, the non-dogmatic section of religion and the philosophical faith based on the intellect.
* * *
The Ethiopian perspective
I. Consensus on Peace as an objective of harmony
In the concert of the harmony of life, with the perspective of harmony is there for us, for the Ethiopian reality any light through the tunnel? Is the high objective peace just a dream? The great historical opportunity in 2005 seems to have elapsed, when all politically relevant actors could comply with the rules of the democratic play to share or reconcile fields of interest and spheres of political power to accept the challenge of the day and cope with the high-time task of the people. The minds of the big-actors are still staggering in disharmony incapable of managing the concert. Thereby on the one side, resorting to the simple, brutal and primitive method – brute force, which appeals to the substance of the small and backward intellect, on the other the state of an uncompromising political attitude, incapable of grasping the moment of history in its harmonious existence, showing the indicative low level of intelligence, not worthy of the peoples high level of social reality, ever witnessed in such a manner in the history of the Ethiopian state, to promote peace, prosperity, welfare and culture illuminated by a high level of faith of different colours. Sticking to their legacy of different origins, the elite have failed as a whole; be it in the underlying dogmatic attitude of the so called “revolutionary democracy”/”Abiotawi democracy”, which is a remnant of the obscuring dogmatic ideology of communism; or be it in a manifestation of the misplaced “zeraf-mentality”, which is today totally irrelevant, for the aspirations of the people with hundreds of flowers of cultures I mentioned above. And above all the insanity of the never ending dispute of the Eritrean - Ethiopian conflict, not to mention the material wealth consummated; for which over 70,000 people have sacrificed their lives, (an amount which only measures to the sacrifice during the Italian occupation of Ethiopia in WW II) is beyond any form of rationality. Without this conflict, the amount of wealth consummated, could have given a basis of existence for the million of the victims of the hunger catastrophe of today. Instead, it has been an annual ritual to collect alms every Christmas for Ethiopia, a name, which is gradually in the west becoming a synonym for Hunger, scratching and piercing on the substance of the pride we used to entertain as Ethiopians. Given the common ethnic origin, the common cultural ground, the similar religious and historical background of the peoples involved in the conflict, I would say, this conflict has taken a paranoid dimension – and is a case for the psychiatrist or the exorcist.
Since the man of Ethiopia always likes to symbolize himself with the lion, (to please everybody) if I take the liberty of making an allegory, I always have a picture of several numbers of these “lions” fighting, scrambling, snatching and tormenting each other for a piece of flesh, which the warder of the national park has thrown for their nourishment on his monitoring tours. In the sphere of the humans, if you take and understand, this piece of flesh for a piece of knowledge and the warder for the source of knowledge, be it the political ideology, the religion or a genuine epistemology from every direction of heaven or earth — China and India -the eastern philosophy, the continent - the Greek philosophy or the Roman empire –or the philosophy and scientific inquiry from the island – the Empire or from the far West– the philosophy of constitutional democracy- across the Atlantic – from the Incas —etc…etc...Or for that matter even an indigenous origin of knowledge, whatever it may be -from the Aksumite Empire or the Geda system or the Wolamo kingdom or the Mehal Meda of Shewa – or the castles of Gonder - the source or the truth of this knowledge is immaterial and does not justify the negation of life. The point is that, knowledge is at the disposal of the human, to nourish the intellect, so that he could make his life convenient and worthy of the existence, but never and ever for organising a bloodbath or carnage like the wild lions in the national park. I am sure this is not at all in the sense of the initial originators of all these philosophies, ideologies, models, faiths and religions. If however, some of these ideologies, philosophies, economic models, religions or faiths are inherently in their nature made or rectified for the carnage, the conflicts, and the violence, they don’t deserve the attribute human and have to be discarded, not even in the warded national park, but to the animals in the jungle, where these laws of the jungle would reign. Under the perspective of harmony, we Ethiopians can no more afford any religious or political philosophy or political movement or liberation or freedom or national movement, which is counter to the philosophy of peace as a higher objective. I think we have had enough of it, in the events of the last 30 years, not to mention our 3000 years history. Be it the wealthy man, who adores the sanctity of private property or the philanthropist or the “communist” who sees all sources and solutions of conflicts in the appropriation of the latter, without peace his basic ground for existence will crack and break down. That piece of flesh, for which they have staged a carnage, will not be consumed by any of the indigenous ones but by another lion, a stronger one, which will again reign in the jungle; then you know the saying “Kanbesa mengaga”1. But we want a human environment and peace. We must surpass this phase of the “Anbesaw”2 psychological make-up to a sober intellectual outlook of the modern human-being and work in Ethiopia for the Peace of our people and mankind.
Is this high objective peace of the social plane really just a dream? We can remain optimist and let us put oil on the troubled waters of our volatile region. Let us hope that the state of reconciliation, which is today in the air at the dawn of our Millennium hold long enough to bring the first off springs of the social Harmony, which the Ethiopian people are for so long fond of. The economic policy, the philosophy of the social welfare and the education system, which are the ground work of a peaceful existence, are all negotiable and could be worked out, if the genuine good will for peace is the ultimate purpose of the social framework. If one deserves the attribute intellectual, for the beginning and as a prerequisite, it just needs the harmony in the individual mind, the consensus and the passion of the elite– the political class- for tolerance and peace at large, whose condition is under the Ethiopian reality, the freedom of culture.
II. Consensus on Culture as an objective of harmony
The high objective - culture in Ethiopia is so diversified that, instead of being an asset, it is either seen as a burden or it is used by the simple intellect as a pretext to call for uniformity, which is counter to harmony. The simple solution of the simple intellect – one man –one language- one nation- can only invite the disintegration of the Ethiopian state, where for good or bad, we were living together for centuries. No one, but the stronger lion, to continue with my allegory, would benefit from the modern version of “zemene mesafint.”3 But the agenda of the modern man, in order to have a substantial ground of existence for the coming centuries, can only be to join hands in the sense of “dir biabir anbesa Yasir”4 and develop the existing state, on the fundamental of humanism and tolerance. For this, the appropriate form of state is today nothing less than a full fledged constitutional democracy. To build up and develop such a state is of course a case for the high intellect and not for the “sima belew” 5of the simple uniform solution, where one or the other culture would dominate or the diverse cultures will be left “for themselves and by themselves”, liable for manipulation by the stronger group, like the segregating solution of the “Bantu” type in the apartheid system of former South Africa. Because of the fact that building a state, on the ground of cultural freedom constituting hundreds of cultures, is a case for the high-intellect, which are assets for the beauty of life – there is no reason to dismantle the state, the Ethiopian state. Whether we like it or not, with all its odds and ups, this existing state is handed over in this form to this generation. I think a common sense suffices to know that, after the revolting phase of the adolescence, the off-spring will take over the common house; the authoritarian father has built; even if he has built the house without the appropriate substance and construction material of the day; and even if this father has mistreated the members of his family. Abandoning the house for others and making the existence of oneself and one’s neighbours, precarious, is foolish, and even contrary to the self-interest of the concerned. . With this I am just indicating that it is meaningless to abandon the common state, or even to dwell much on the past and the injustice experienced, which no doubt is true for the majority of ethnic and national groups, unless it is necessary to illuminate the way for the future common state. What is the problem at looking in the future? The intellectuals of the different cultures in Ethiopia, if they don’t want to be an object of manipulation for the big “lions” of this world devoid of conscience, their interest can only be congruent with that of their corresponding people. The interest of any people, whether incorporated in one big state or disintegrated in hundreds of isolated mini-states, is cultural freedom and development, prosperity and peace for a worthy life. To take the service of the harmony-model: peace for a worthy life; Culture, faith and perfection (for prosperity). Turn it in every direction or put it in every dimension, all people have no other interest than these essentials of life. The point is how can you better achieve these essentials? Either in a common state, if history happened to grant you one – a state for several national groups and peoples or isolated to become the prey of stronger nations. Under the political philosophy of the world today, does it need a high intellect to grasp the better alternative?
Is it a dream or a nightmare to develop the Ethiopian state on the ground of cultural freedom? The –one man- one language – one nation solution of the simple intellect is the nightmare. The concert of the hundreds of cultures with the cultural freedom for a still further and higher humanist cultural development is a sweet dream for the optimist. There are several models of such states – federal states with one plus one or two languages solutions to promote the interaction between the cultures, administrations and the economic developments. This is the concrete nature of the high objective of culture in the harmony of life for the Ethiopian social reality – Cultural Freedom - a prerequisite for prosperity.
III. Consensus on perfection/prosperity as an objective of harmony
The High objective Perfection supported by Science, is nothing but prosperity in its real concrete nature. Prosperity for all Ethiopians seems really a far fetched dream. If we look back at the last 30 years and all the sacrifices made for it and all the bloodshed experienced in the name of dogmatic ideologies, with their solutions to achieve this, it is not so easy to remain optimist. Tilahun’s “Migibma moltual mech Amlak nesagn ….” 6 is the biggest lie ever made in the field of art, if the mass of the Ethiopian people were meant!
What is our problem? Doesn’t science have access to the Ethiopian mind? Ethiopians as soon as they leave their country, they are not less successful than an average person in their surroundings. Ethiopians are even in the average more intelligent than their companions in the field of academics. But as soon as they interact with each other there is always a problem. A paradox observed by several foreign Ethiopian experts too. A fact which made the Ethiopian elite throughout the past century a prey to alien forces with their ulterior motives. The one Ethiopian mind doesn’t let access to the mind of the other. Reason and logic, which are essential means of mutual understanding to solve problems are among Ethiopians not necessarily always accepted in that function. Irrespective of education or experience, I have the feeling that this medium plays a highly subordinate role in the abstraction and conception level of the Ethiopian mind (without going too far see for instance the frustrating breach within “Kinijit”/the CUD Leadership/ these days). There are always other values and system of judgements which subordinate this medium. Just to mention some mixes of these: Superstition, Religion, Faith, Genealogy, Astrology, social status, wealth etc... Along this line it has stuck up for instance specially in the areas of mythology; blocking all epistemological development in the sphere of cosmology and science etc. The infamous concept like “Mekegninet”7 or stuffs like “Yalteretere temenetere”8- “Sewn mamen kebro new”9 etc. (- these kind of attitudes are at least for those from the highlands, numerous) which run counter to mutual understanding and communication, are states of mind which are rather peculiar to Ethiopians. This way of mixing up conceptions may be true for social environments of other states as well, but I believe it is not as overwhelming as our Ethiopian reality. And without reason and logic there is no science. This is of course a case for social investigation, but for me it suffices, to make the assumption that this is due to the fact that Ethiopia and specially the Ethiopian intellectual has never had a genuine chance to reflect on its own and appropriate the spirit of enlightenment and intellectual freedom. I think it is not an accident that the progress of science and enlightenment in the history of mankind took place more or less simultaneously. Is the Ethiopian social reality resistant to Science and therefore our problem with Prosperity, with the consequence of remaining one of the poorest states in the world since almost a century?
The controversial social role of religion and the fact, that enlightenment didn’t still have access to the mind of the Ethiopian and especially to the intellectual is significant. The social reality of a community can somehow be measured, according to the harmony model (see hypothesis below), by the sum total of intelligence, which is a factor of humanity (humanitarian values) and quality of music in an exponential relation, expressing the development of culture in all its aspects. If the intellectual section of our society is so imprisoned by its social environment and social reality, that it has its problem with the medium of reason and logic, no wonder if the prosperity we are longing for remained a far fetched dream. And this is, in spite of some attempts made by different ideological models so far, which may have been sometimes subjectively genuine.
Given these social circumstances and state of minds, is it a dream to hope for prosperity, the high objective of harmony? The key to the problem is I think, like all our problems, the intellectual section – the elite- of the Ethiopian social reality. The Ethiopian intellectual has to make a genuine acquaintance with Enlightenment in all its facets. It has to make the medium of reason and logic its way of understanding life and the means of its social interactions and communications. If the Ethiopian elite can make it among other social realities, they can do it in their own social environment too. Once such communication, which is an essential factor for material development, not only on the surface of the Ethiopian mountains and valleys but also deep in the intrinsic structure of the minds, becomes a self evident medium of life, the curtain of ignorance will be torn down. If this replaces the tradition of scepticism, suspicion, fear and all sorts irrational and mythology dominated state of minds, the Ethiopian people will do miracles, and the immodest statement, we once used to make, that Ethiopia would be the breadbasket of Africa, may come true. With enlightenment breaking through the day of Ethiopia, we may then walk with our heads upright. Enlightenment is the essential substance of modern Faith in whatever forms it is manifested.
IV. Consensus on faith as an objective of harmony
Faith in Ethiopia is not a scarce property, if we consider the religious component only. The role and impact of the Ethiopian orthodox church in particular and the other big religion – Islam in the historical development of the Ethiopian state is not insignificant. And the Ethiopian people are also, though somewhat liberal in practice, more religious than secular. This is also true for the intellectual section. The most outstanding fact is that the two main religions in Ethiopia, with the exception of short periods have a long record of peaceful co-existence in the life experience of the people. (A state of affairs, which we by all means have to maintain further, dismissing all persuasions to the contrary). This is in spite of the dogmatic nature of every religion, which is exclusive in the promotion of ideas and values. But this dogmatism, not sensed by the victim, had, I think, until today, a big impact on the attitude of the protagonists of the new ideologies entertained by a substantial section of the active political elite. This may be one of the reasons, why Ethiopians were in the last 50 years, in their new appropriated political philosophies intolerant and unable for compromises in case of different opinions. This fact plus the inherent dogmatism, which ideologies have by themselves, was in the Ethiopian reality disastrous.
The other components of the spiritual plane in the harmony of life other than religion are conscience and faith by itself. Conscience had a significant social value in the period 50 years before, not only in the decision making of the sovereign individual but also in the administration of social affairs. The social role of religions in the sense of orienting the strong social groups to be accountable at least to their Gods, i.e. the “Feriha Igziabher”10 conscience, was socially helpful. This was especially valuable in view of the missing democratic and basic human rights. Faith, manifested in different forms of intellectual and philosophical conception of life was however, minute or insignificant. This reality in the form of an open philosophy has either not changed or faith in its philosophical touch is present solely as dogmatic as in the case of religions and as exclusive as the latter, missing the enlightenment role it could have played in the society. All philosophies, if interpreted by Ethiopians have always an affinity to dogmatism. This can be explained among others, similar to that of science mentioned above, through the fact that, the intellectual development of the elite in Ethiopia has taken place without making a genuine reflection of the enlightenment period, which was the basis of humanism. With the religious dogmatism and the authoritarian absolutist social background combined with a dogmatic ideology, this state of reality could hardly bring about the liberation of the mind of the new generation of intellectuals, who have in vain drafted now and then a better administration of the people. Instead, this has brought about a political culture, which is characterized by intolerance and the inability for compromise with the opponent, demanding a blind obedience from the proponent, in the end culminating in an obscuring system of belief, celebrating violence and contradictions instead of making the emphasis on the solutions of problems. This means in the harmony of the spiritual plane, the Ethiopian social reality was dominated by disharmony. The Relation between the conscience of mankind, religion and faith was messed up, so that the state of harmony was impossible, in the sense of the higher objective of faith. The main discrepancy was, as indicated above, in the philosophical attitude of the intellectual, which should have promoted the spiritual and material well-being of the society. The elite are responsible for this discrepancy, either in their inability of grasping the moments of the spiritual plane in the context of their three manifestations (conscience, religion and faith) or not understanding the social role of religion and some ethical values, like conscience, present in the social reality.
Is this high objective of faith, especially in the emphasis on its philosophical aspect achievable for the Ethiopian social reality? The key to the problem is, promoting this faith, by highlighting and incorporating the essence of enlightenment, with the purpose of liberating the mind of the elite from all forms of dogmatism, to make tolerance, reason and logic the essential medium for spiritual communication in particular; and to grasp its relations to the rest of the high objectives of the harmony at large.
It is working for these high objectives – Peace, Culture, Perfection and Faith – that the great purpose of harmony in life will be achieved in the Ethiopian reality too. Let us become optimists, though the reality of the day is not encouraging. The success depends on the enlightenment of the elite, especially in their ability for consensus on these high-objectives. Otherwise the spectre of discord and disharmony will reign further; and like in the last 40 years all the philosophies of intolerance of different origins, with their inability for compromises resorting always to violence – the simple solution of the low intellect- would prevail. This would however be only the case until again; the forces of harmony make their ways through life and succeed. Like all enlightened cultures, the Ethiopian people may also experience one day THAT LIGHT of Plato through the tunnel. Year 2005 is the witness and the beginning of this fortune.
Hope is a principle of Enlightenment!
May Harmony be the Logos of our Millennium!
The Eight Dimensions of Life in the individual……
(A footnote for members of the elite aspiring for leadership)
The five senses of the Human are shared by all other living creatures and the rest of nature. However, if the Human being aspires to be outstanding and sublime over nature, he has to make himself distinct from the rest of nature. This distinction can be attained if he is in possession of three more senses, in harmony with the eight dimensions of life. Above all, the command and the harmony of these eight dimensions are the features which could measure and qualify the integrity and character of a leadership in all sections of a society…….All Great leaders of Mankind, from wherever corner of the earth they originate, they have made HISTORY or NOT up to the point where they have failed to measure to these dimensions.
The Magnitude of the Intellect to Lead and Execute (The reflecting mind) >>>>State and Laws
The Tolerance and the Moral to Listen (Listening 1)>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>Community and Ethics
The Capacity to Console and Love (The loving heart) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Family and Love
The Endurance to Exist and Hope (Breathing/smelling 2)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Human and hope
The Magnanimity to Embrace and Touch (Touching 3 )>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mankind and Conscience
The Wisdom to Live, Enjoy and Share (Relishing/tasting 4 )>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nature and Religion
The Energy and Insight to See and Inspire (Seeing 5)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Universe and Faith
The Transcendental Vision to Forgive and Save (The visionary instinct)>>>>>The Absolute and Deliverance
1 "out of the lion's jaw" 2 "the lion's" 3 "the era of princes" 4 "a collection of threads can trap a lion" 5 'a commander' 6 "God has not deprived me of enough food" 7 "mischief" 8 "if you don't suspect you will loose your head" 9 "trust a man after his burial" 10 respect for God
On the verge of our Millennium, I believe Harmony and Disharmony is the dichotomy, which could at best represent the plight of Ethiopia for the whole last century….
What has this to do with Paul Osborn’s Play…and all the more given the fact that this is a “comedy”….Is it?
| The Flower of Life with Hemi-Sync - from LightSOURCE 2nd Edition DVD |
ጥብቅ ማሳሰቢያ ሸክላን ለምትሠሩ፤
እዚህ መቃብር ላይ አፈር አትዝገኑ፡፡
ሲነድ ሲቃጠል ሲጨስ በመኖሩ፣
ሲቃጠል ለሚኖር፣
ለጀበና መሥሪያ አይሆንም አፈሩ፡፡
(አንድ ከሚመለከተው የተጨመረ!
ከመቃብር በፊት)
ሰው ለመስራት ብቻ ከፍቀደ አየሩ
ክህነት ካላችሁ አሰቡ መርምሩ
ተራ ከገባችሁ ዘክሩ አስዘክሩ
ያልሆነው እንዲሆን ምከሩ ሞክሩ
ሽቀጣና ሽቀት እንዳይሆን ሃገሩ
አንድ ቀን እንደሆን አይቀር መቃ-ብሩ።
Michelle Holliday's Humanity 4.0
15. Human DIGNITY:
21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!
11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!
Thanks to Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!
Statement of Principle
Life is a jewel, a gift of the Absolute, which compares and equals nothing, other than its own defence and purpose:
Dedicated for all who suffered and lost their lives for the well-being of
Legacy politics:
When two people quarrel
rejoices the third– to rule over them…
(up to the 20th century)
Visionary politics:
When two people come together
rejoices the third – to join them
in their Human Empathy…
(… 21st century ….)
21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!
11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!
Thanks to
Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!
16. Apparently there may be more intelligence at the quantum level than in the human dimension. The size of the quantum particle is proportionally bigger than the size of the earth to the Universe! We have no idea whether the quantum is complexer and smarter; it can be! The double split experiment gives a clue..01.06.11
15. Human DIGNITY:
21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the The Great Common Collective Will of Human Empathy!
11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!
Thanks toTunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!
ጥብቅ ማሳሰቢያ ሸክላን ለምትሠሩ፤
እዚህ መቃብር ላይ አፈር አትዝገኑ፡፡
ሲነድ ሲቃጠል ሲጨስ በመኖሩ፣
ሲቃጠል ለሚኖር፣
ለጀበና መሥሪያ አይሆንም አፈሩ፡፡
(አንድ ከሚመለከተው የተጨመረ!
ከመቃብር በፊት)
ሰው ለመስራት ብቻ ከፍቀደ አየሩ
ክህነት ካላችሁ አሰቡ መርምሩ
ተራ ከገባችሁ ዘክሩ አስዘክሩ
ያልሆነው እንዲሆን ምከሩ ሞክሩ
ሽቀጣና ሽቀት እንዳይሆን ሃገሩ
አንድ ቀን እንደሆን አይቀር መቃ-ብሩ።
Michelle Holliday's Humanity 4.0