Big Tuesday/BT - Big, because, even if it may be only symbolic, it can be a big turn in the awareness of the biased section of mankind, on the fact that the individual-MIND is embedded in a process to make a difference only in Quality AND not in the ethnic-colour or some superficial stuff of the sort. I.e. it is simply a fact of Life if one is more intelligent than the other; with the good fate of this or the other personality to make History. I wish OBAMA would make ONE! He is indeed an outstanding personality full of energy and intelligence. BUT, due to the limitations and constraints of his social environment, I have my doubts if he would succeed in being ONE of those who would turn the "world up-side down" and remain monumental. The opportunity is anyhow at hand....and time will unconceal its treasure in the coming years, if he makes it on the BT....
In the spirit of SIDE, may even the last drop of life SIDE Obama to save us from any surprise and and.......
(In the spirit of "SIDE" -( S-oure.......I-ntelligence .........D-estiny .......E-nergy )
Let's hope and say good Tu-es-Day! ("Tu es" means "do it"... in German!);
Instead of good day.
During the development of my "SIDE"; the "LOGOS-of-SIDE " .......................................or DICE;
I have encountered, in the "Philosophy of the Stoics", a lot of methode and analysis which is in favour and flavour of the notion of the "Harmony Model" I want to promote. With all the gratitude due to the minds in favour of this philosophy, and in particular here to Mrs. Beatrix Murrell, I would take my time to get more acquainted to their notions.
The LOGOS out of the "Harmony Model" :
For those whose propensity is to see Life through the spectacle of a DICE, this Logos can as well turn to be a "LOGOS-of-DICE". Since such people (Hello!) would like to begin from the Destiny - the Human - to come to the Cosmos. The LOGOS of DICE would turn clockwise (apparently consistent with its basis of Being with and through Time; because it goes with Time) in contrast to the LOGOS of SIDE, which turns anti-clockwise towards NO TIME, true to its logic of the Faith in the reality/sur-reality of that of BEYOND- I.e. the other SIDE.
Hence: D-estiny -I-ntelligence .....C-osmos.........E- nergy ====> DICE
S-ource -I-ntelligence.........D-estiny.........E-nergy ====> SIDE
S-ource (S-I-D-E)
Intelligence Energy
D-estiny (D-I-C-E)