በትርታ ይጀምራል ትር ትር ይልና ይተረታል ወይንም ይተረተራል፤

ተረት ይሆናል

With the vibration IT begins…in the vibration IT sounds…in the narration or distortion,

IT ends…TO BE –or- as a Tale ...

.......The fishes get their prey, if only YOU "move, click and tick" (say... reflect) in the aquarium. If you "play & prey (even pray)" outside the aquarium...it is meaningless ...for the fishes............

A blog for documents and studies on the development of

Human "Consciousness", to help and

promote the process of rational reflection.


The Highlight here will be, working towards the high objectives of harmony in the Ethiopian Social-Reality: PEACE, freedom of CULTURE, scientific PERFECTION and tolerant FAITH. Any knowledge, without the slightest touch of dogmatism; whose purpose is enlightening and freeing the human species to celebrate its full liberty and eventual perfection, is always welcome.

The Quintessence of Life

Friday, 26 December 2008

"My Africa" with The Emperor's Voice

Decades of "Emotions" are gone. Let's put all ideologies aside for a while and take the moral courage to register these astounding Statements of the late Emperor, HSI. You don't have to be a royalist to acknowledge the deep ontological meaning of these Words, which I think has still its validity unil today. I took the privilege to use them here as the background for my "Words of Emotion".

My Africa with Teddy!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Obama after BT

Kafka spoke before "Big "Tu-es-DAY", in the words of "Before the Law" and Big "Tu-es-Day" proved Big too. Obama is coming.
Well and good! He has not waited long.

But the "doorkeeper of the law" has warned, "there is one doorkeeper after another, each more powerful than the last"...
It would be a hard trip from "Tu-es-Day" to "Frei-Day"
/German, Tu-es, means "do-it"; Frei, "free"/

Before the Law (Kafka)

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Stockhausen's Light

“What interests me is the entire structure, the spiritual structure and hierarchy of the universe, in which every individual person is a spiritual being and only temporarily a corporeal being, a ‘person’, a timeless individuality, an eternal spirit.” (Die sieben Tage der Woche,” Karlheinz Stockhausen, Conversation with Rudolf Werner, 169)


Metaphors for the 7 dimensions of Life (1)

  The Seven days of Stockhausen’s „Licht“/Light (2)

Family and Love (3)

1)     Monday is Eve's day, the day of the Woman, the day of Birth

Community and Ethics (2)

2)     Tuesday is the Day of War between Michael and Lucifer

The State and Laws (1)

3)     Wednesday is the day of cooperation between Luzifer, Eva and Michael

The Human and Hope (4)

4)     Thursday is Michael's Day

Mankind and Conscience (5)

5)     Friday is the day of Eva's temptation by Luzifer

Nature and Religion (6)

6)     Saturday is Luzifer's day, the day of Death

Universe and Faith (7)

7)     Sunday is a “Universal Day”


1 1 (cf.  In the “Harmony Model”, the 8th dimension is The Absolute & Deliverance)

2 2 http://www.stockhausen.org/        http://homepage.mac.com/bernardp/Stockhausen/licht.html


Stockhausen's LICHT and DASEIN as interpreted in the  "The Harmony Model -"SIDE"

And Dasein Becomes Music: Some Glimpses of Light

1"Die sieben Tage der Woche," Karlheinz Stockhausen, "Die sieben Tage der Woche," conversation
with Rudolf Werner,169

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Big Tu-es-Day! Would it be?

Big Tuesday/BT - Big, because, even if it may be only symbolic, it can be a big turn in the awareness of the biased section of  mankind, on the fact that the individual-MIND is embedded in a process to make a difference only  in Quality AND not  in the ethnic-colour or some superficial stuff of the sort. I.e. it is simply a fact of Life if one is more intelligent than the other; with the good fate of this or the other personality to make History. I wish OBAMA would make ONE! He is indeed an outstanding personality full of energy and intelligence. BUT, due to the limitations and constraints of  his social environment, I have my doubts if he would succeed in being ONE of those who would turn the "world up-side down" and remain monumental. The opportunity is anyhow at hand....and time will unconceal its treasure in the coming years, if he makes it on the BT....

In the spirit of SIDE, may even the last drop of life SIDE Obama to save us from any surprise and and.......
(In the spirit of "SIDE" -(  S-oure.......I-ntelligence .........D-estiny .......E-nergy )

Let's hope and say good Tu-es-Day! ("Tu es" means "do it"... in German!); 
Instead of good day.


During the development of my "SIDE"; the "LOGOS-of-SIDE " .......................................or DICE;
I have encountered, in the "Philosophy of the Stoics",  a lot of methode and analysis which is in favour and flavour of the notion of the "Harmony Model" I want to promote.  With all the gratitude due to the minds in favour of this philosophy, and in particular here to Mrs. Beatrix Murrell, I would take my time to get more acquainted to their notions.


The LOGOS out of the "Harmony Model" : 

For those whose propensity is to see Life through the spectacle of a DICE, this Logos can as well turn to be a "LOGOS-of-DICE".  Since such people (Hello!) would like to begin from the Destiny - the Human - to come to the Cosmos. The LOGOS of DICE would turn clockwise (apparently consistent with its basis of Being with and through Time; because it goes with Time) in contrast to the LOGOS of SIDE, which turns anti-clockwise towards NO TIME, true to its logic of the Faith in the reality/sur-reality of that of BEYOND- I.e. the other SIDE.

Hence:  D-estiny -I-ntelligence .....C-osmos.........E- nergy ====> DICE
             S-ource -I-ntelligence.........D-estiny.........E-nergy ====> SIDE

                         S-ource (S-I-D-E)
Intelligence                                 Energy

                          D-estiny (D-I-C-E)


Tuesday, 14 October 2008

"The False Dasein"

"The False Dasein":

Interesting as an introduction on the concept of "Dasein" .....up to "care" or  the "the voice of conscience"....


During my readings into the discourse of Miguel de Beistegui on "Dasein" etc. in his books;

1. Genesis and Truth, 2. The New Heidegger

I wanted to know how Sartre relates to Heidegger's concepts and I came across this  (The False Dasein) contribution, which I think is worth reading to understand a lot of the stuff, which may be related to our political "complex". Moreover, It gave me some light towards understanding some of the intuitions I was entertaining during the last 2-3 years (cf. "Harmony Model"). In other words (as I mentioned some days back) I am beginning to understand "Myself" and by proxy perhaps our "political class", our "political lot" too.

In view of such ideas and this contribution (attached) as its micro conceptual backdrop, I may supplement as a clarification, that the "Words of Emotion" (attached here too) which I tried to convey, may be conceivable too; albeit as the rough version of such notions.

"The False Dasein":  It may help to understand a lot of the social complex ( in the context of the development of the "philosophical" thoughts of our modern political "Elite"), into which our political legacy has been manoeuvred by a social (perhaps personal too) evolution, which was inescapable, given the historical parameters, we or "Ethiopia" has witnessed in such a way. (Just to be at least "wiser" in the aftermath).

By the way, with his proximity to (existentialism and) the philosphers like Foucault and Gilles Deleuze and imagining what he could have writtern as an
"author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization"....

I am happy :-)   that such a Mann, like Him, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio -   won the Nobel price in Literature.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

More on Gilles Deleuze - a philosopher with a different class

Indiana University Press:  "In Truth and Genesis, Miguel de Beistegui considers the role and meaning of philosophy today. Calling for a new departure for philosophy, one that brings together philosophy's scattered identities, de Beistegui proposes a robust and unified philosophy that would find itself equally at home in artistic and scientific disciplines. To build this renewed philosophy, de Beistegui turns to Aristotle and the earliest foundations of thought. He traces philosophy's development through the medieval and modern periods before comparing and investigating the work of two of the 20th century's most influential thinkers, Martin Heidegger and Gilles Deleuze. In particular, de Beistegui focus    es on Deleuze's Difference and Repetition and Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy for their handling of the concept of difference. De Beistegui concludes that Deleuze and Heidegger are irreconcilable, but it is in their disagreements that he sees a way to liberate philosophy from its current crisis. "
These days I am looking into this book, Miguel de Beistegui's  Truth and Genesis... ("beautiful mind")  Since he refers to Deleuze a lot ( In my Philosophy Irrfahrt...I lost track of him after I began to get acquainted to his ideas some years back) I wanted to know more about him and I came across the attached interesting Document, which I like. If you want, take a moment please to throw a glance or more. It is worth it.(He has much to say on "becoming" . The way his ideas are presented here -its form- is also agreable)......  


L'Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze, avec Claire Parnet

Directed by Pierre-André Boutang (1996)


....philosophy is like [painting with] colors

.....because philosophy is like [painting with] colors, before entering into it, one has to take so many precautions, before conquering the "philosophical color" -- and the philosophical color is the concept. Before succeeding in inventing concepts, an enormous amount of work is necessary. Deleuze sees the history of philosophy as this slow modesty, taking a long time doing portraits. It's like a novelist, Deleuze suggests, who might say, I'm writing novels, but cannot read any because I'd risk compromising my inspiration. Deleuze says he has heard young writers make such frightening statements which, for him, means they simply do not need to work. Moreover, Deleuze sees the history of philosophy not only as having this preparatory role, it succeeds quite well by itself. It is the art of portraiture in so far as it allows one to reach toward something. At this point, it becomes a bit mysterious, says Deleuze, and he asks Parnet perhaps to give him another question so he can define this ......

.....there is a music in these philosophers

A third order of things, a kind of connection among them all, are affects. Deleuze says that, of course, there are no percepts without affects, but that these are specific as well: these are becomings that exceed him or her who goes through them, exceed the strength of those who go through them. Doesn't music lead us into these forces that exceed our grasp? It's possible, Deleuze answers. If one takes a philosophical concept, it causes one to see things since the greatest philosophers have this "seeing" trait or aspect , at least in the philosophers that Deleuze admires: Spinoza causes one to "see", one of the most visionary philosophers, Nietzsche as well. They all hurl forth fantastic affects, there is a music in these philosophers, and inversely, music makes one see some very strange things, colors and percepts. Deleuze says he imagines a kind of circulation of these dimensions into each other, between philosophical concepts, pictorial percepts, and musical affects. There's nothing surprising in there being these resonances, he maintains, just the work of very different people, but that never stop interpenetrating......................


Friday, 5 September 2008

Getting to know some Old and New Minds...

I would like to give a big attention to the references and "introductions" to
the ideas of people like Maurice Merleau-Ponty and John R. Searle...



And here an extract out of one of the papers which impressed me:-


Miguel de Beistegui
Questioning Politics, or Beyond Power;


On ontology and political power...etc.....(cf. and on Heidegger; putting all legitimate
biases aside; his thoughts and his role may have different dimensions...the way the
following paper presents it... ) . Very interesting...in my view.... I should admit,
I am beginning to understand....some whats and whys of irrational events in the human
history...Just to understand and know. Not to justify or somethings of the sort...events
have to be qualified as they are...and mostly without relativating them through time
but only through reason and ultimate truth...whatever the "truth" may be..
Miguel de Beistegui
Questioning Politics, or Beyond Power
...............>>From the paper...Extract ...

The third and last trait I wish to emphasize, then, concerns the connection of
essence between power and what Heidegger calls the end of the first beginning,
or the end of metaphysics: ‘The essential unfolding of Power as machination
negates the possibility of the truth of beings. It is itself the end of metaphysics.’7
It is metaphysics itself, and metaphysics in its entirety, that is of power. This means
that all metaphysics is metaphysics of power, and that power itself is through and
through metaphysical. How does Heidegger understand metaphysics? As the
negation of the possibility of the truth of beings, as the systematic and radical
impossibility of an awakening to the truth of Being. What do the thematic of
power, the interpretation of nature and of the human, in terms of power, amount
to? They amount to the ultimate degree of occultation of truth. And yet, power
or, more specifically perhaps, the horizon of power that serves as the backdrop
against which all things and all situations are evaluated, or simply come to be seen,
is itself a possibility and an epoch of the truth of Being. It is the regime of truth in
which the event of truth itself is least visible, most concealed. It is the uttermost
non-essence of truth, yet still a modality of its unfolding. This, in turn, means that
any reversal or overcoming of metaphysics, any recovering of the truth of Being
will amount to an overcoming, or at least a neutralizing, of power itself. It will
amount to the constitution of a horizon other than that of power and its will to
dominate. Will such a reversal, or such an overcoming, greater than any revolution,
ever take place? And might it be a matter of and for politics? No, it could not;
at least not in 1940, not after the absurd and blind hope invested in Nazi politics.


My Question....:

...Only Nazi politics of the past or still today in all its manifestations witnessed ???

Further:.....the paper goes...
This means that the political in modernity is essentially totalitarian, that is,
driven by a logic and a demand of total power over which it itself has no power, a
drive it itself cannot call into question. ‘Totalitarianism’ is a direct consequence
of the lack of questioning, that is, of thought in the most fundamental sense,
which characterizes the logic of the will-to-power.


Indeed : lack of thought.... (Gedankenlosigkeit..cf. H. Arendt)


which characterizes the logic of the will-to-power.
It is not the political, or politicians, that lead and guide. For they are themselves
driven, that is, subjected to a force that is nothing personal, nothing like a lust for
personal power, for what, too often, and especially in the case of the so-called
‘tyrants’ or ‘dictators’, we call megalomania.

And it still goes further ...to claim that...

The psychopathological does not
operate at the level at which issues of power, politics and history can be adequately
dealt with. The reason for the belonging together of the lack of questioning of the
political and its totality, or for the existence of totalitarianism as the politicization
of Being in its totality, Heidegger goes on to write, does not lie, ‘as some naïve
minds think, on the arbitrary willfulness of dictators’, but ‘in the metaphysical
essence of modern actuality in general’.14

My question and opinion....

We may stop one day to hope for a better "state" but for a better "mind"..a "collective mind"?.
I have finalized my hope in something like the "Words of Emotion" (in a way
"The Journey of the Fool" from my perspective)...ie.the "Shift" we need in the "Mind"...etc.
and so on....until that mind becomes beautiful and has enough of the "knowledge"
it can encorporate to leave for the "Unknown" or "Beyond"...as every one of us in his own way
wishes or contemplates. Be it true or not is not our problem.

And he, Mr.Miguel de Beistegui goes further....

debates have emerged over the merits and limitations of democracy, monarchy,
aristocracy and, in the last 150 years, over socialism and fascism. Now, as I
suggested towards the very beginning of this article, Foucault has done a lot to
reveal how power, whilst in many ways indissociable from state apparatus
(government, the police, the penal system, bureaucracy), is more diffuse and more
complex and not simply identifiable with state structures. In a way, Heidegger
goes further still, by attempting to reveal a single unifying structure, or, rather, a
single historical event, of which all relations of power, including those regulating
institutions such as the family, the school and the university, healthcare, etc.,
would be an effect. Without ever going into the kind of microanalysis Foucault


It is normally assumed, Heidegger argues, that those regimes that
give a free rein to the unlimited unfolding of power are the so-called ‘authori-tharian or,
we might say today, ‘totalitarian’ states. In the case of such regimes, it
seems that power is entirely concentrated in the hands of one or a handful of individuals,
who secure their power through the submission and exploitation of the
masses. From the point of view of parliamentary democracies, such a display of
unrestrained violence is attributable to the blind rage that is indissociable from the
bare lust for total power. Power, it is thought, is abused, and the counter-power
(Gegenmacht) of the people contained and silenced. By contrast, parliamentary
democracies see themselves as involved in a process of checks and balances and
alternative governments with the aim of securing the sharing of power. Their
power game takes on the appearance of ‘free’ negotiations and consultations, and
this appearance generates another, in which such an organization of power alone
is deemed to be ‘ethical’. There is no doubt that differences of this kind matter,
or that they mattered especially in Heidegger’s lifetime. There is no doubt, either,
that Heidegger chose to ignore such differences, preferring instead to equate
‘Americanism’ and ‘Bolshevism’, refusing – even after the war – to condemn
National-Socialism, or to acknowledge its criminal responsibility in the deaths of
millions of Jews, gypsies, communists and other political and religious groups.
The question, however, is one of knowing whether there is anything to
Heidegger’s claim regarding the fundamental unity in the destiny of totalitarian
and democratic states. There is something deeply disturbing about such a claim.


My question....

Is there really no grain of truth in this claim....taking into account a lot of the "stuffs"
we witness today in the globe around...not only Africa and our kinds but the "Bush"
domains too.?

My resumee....and my opinion is in the "Words of Emotion"....:-

Demo-cracy goes crazy....

At such moments,
Stop TIME,

Go and Go ahead,
To the SOURCE....the best breed.
Change your mind
Challenge your head.
Don’t hesitate,
Break your head,
Break your heart
You would have IT,
universal, AFRICAN BEAT.
(Back to the origin of the homo-sapiens....and perhaps endeavor to be triple sapiens..)


And further....goes the Mann....

The problem, Heidegger believes, is that we remain blind with respect to the
real origin and siege of power, blind as to who or rather what is really in power.
And this is primarily because there is a general ‘occultation of the true ruler [eine
Verschleierung der eigentlichen Machthabe]’, a self-concealing of power in its
imperatives, effects and general unfolding.15 The question, as Arendt asked, is
indeed one of knowing who or what is in power, who or what governs, or rules.

My Question:

The paper approaches its end and comes to its conclusions.........and I think you have
to read it yourself.... unless you have already dismissed it ...due to your "WELT - ANSCHAUUNG"
/ the way of looking at the world.../ an eidetic concept in german/...Everyone with his
"Welt-anschauung to form "the field of Being" (cf. Maurice Merleau-Ponty) culminating
one day in a healthy "collective mind" with a self-evidence of peace and abundance to freely exist

And it goes....:
But, unlike Arendt, Heidegger believes it is power itself that governs and rules,
and this in such a way that it is itself never visible as such in the effects it generates.
Power is what ‘authorizes’, or ‘empowers [ermächtigt]’, political power, but
also economic and symbolic power. It is what authorizes us as powerful beings,
what empowers us in the face of nature, of the world and of others. There is something
like an authorization of power, or a process of empowering, through which
our relation to all beings becomes one of power. The only thing it does not
empower us to do is to resist power, to turn power back upon itself and replace it
in the site of its own metaphysical origin.

He goes to his concluding chapter...

Overcoming Power...
...........................................regarding the will-to-power-and-domination
that has taken over the human in its relation to the world as such and as a
whole, the question is one of knowing whether something can be opposed to
power, whether we, humans, can mobilize a certain power against power itself. Or
could our very powerlessness in the face of power be the very form of our resistance
to power? Could it be an opportunity to reawaken ourselves to another power – not
another form of power, of distribution and organization of power, but another sense
of power: our power, and so our freedom to be, our power to be free. >From what?
>From nothing – other than from power itself. For what, then? For that which, from
the start, and irreducibly, points beyond the will-to-power, beyond the current
consummation of metaphysics in the drive for power, and into the truth of Being.

After setting his Hope in Europe ....he concludes with the following poetic words...

.....‘the name polis is precisely the word for that realm that constantly became
questionable anew, (and) remained worthy of question’.1Perhaps this domain ought
to be revived to provide something like a passage, a transition, or a way into ‘politics’
in the other beginning. This is revolutionary politics in the strongest sense, insofar as it
presupposes a break with the metaphysics of power and production that rule today.
Yet it is also the most silent, most imperceptible of revolutions, insofar as it elevates
powerlessness to the heights of a practice.

OH ! Please read the rest yourself and enjoy his thoughts..., if you like of course......I think the man has,...
I call such minds "beautiful".... a beautiful mind...(After the name of the film...called
Beatiful Mind..if you have seen it). It was for me an enlightening contribution..

De Beistegui: Questioning Politics, or Beyond Power.

I would like to read the paper again in full attention.....The above is just an outcome
of an overview...It is unfortunate that ...there is so little time to read such a damned tremendous
amount of stuff .....circling around this globe...all worthy of the knowledge.

My Opinion:

I have enjoyed reading it...It is fortunate that there are all over the globe such concerned minds....
Since it is my first encounter with this mind, ...I looked in some sides to know more about the author...

A new world ...a new mind....? One can always be happy..only and...
if only ....the truth of our being behind the veil could prevail...but this takes
time and is at the cost of time..NoTime...however, once it gets hold of you...you
are happy that it won't let you free, since it is all free...free of all and any constraints
one can imagine of in the "old" world of time... into which you will be thrown back
just to be soothed only by the dream...the very dream you always remember
until the end of your own Time..And when you read such contributions and
encounter such minds...this dream will be revived again and again.....
The rest of the feeling is only gratitude and humilty...And I would even say
thanks God that I am powerless...and full of "OHNMACHT". There rings
the song I heard during the process of such events like "ohnmacht"..."Somethings
will never change"...And I would take it that this "somethings" is perhaps
the "nature of power" - Macht - metaphysically crystallized in the "state" in all its
different forms; specially similar in their nature in times of crisis (cf. Toggia; Thanks,
though I miss some "spiritual" dimensions; just to take into account some nuances,
which actually don't make that qualitative difference one would expect)
This "state" is highly difficult to change....The very prequisite for it to be changed
is my own personal "state" and everyone's personal "state"....(of course including
the head of a state..that state which would otherwise refuse to change and develop--
see one Gorbachow- in our epoch)...
The personal "state of mind". I am afraid any other approach of the matter...ie. to change or
develop the latter, - that crystallized non-grey matter..."the state"....the police...
the prison...the administration...etc. .(cf. Foucault) is just only to play the same game,
the same poker with some other dices...I will no doubt be happy if say ...
for example, to come back down to our world, to the "Obama fever"
- if Obama wins in the coming game...But I can't help having in mind where
he began in his campaingns and where he is now in his priorities
(Though this time he made a good speech on the convention.)
However, you can feel and sense throughout the event, how he is embeded
and constrained in the reigns and strings of the "power of the state".
Nonetheless, Hope is always a principle and the rest is to be seen.
Moreover, it seems, Man doesn't have so far and in the history
of mankind any other alternative except to work on himself peu a peu...
I have discovered for myself that philosophy is indeed a good
therapy in this hard work. That is why I would simply say ...
Change your mind ..you will get your state, if you are at stake...
challenge your head...you will get your bread...etc. .The rest comes on its own...
And now I would like to come to the end of my bla bla to work for my bread.
"sew bemigib bicham baynor migibim, demozim yasfeligewalina".


As a Farewell here some verses from "Hölderin", who apparently was the spiritual "source" of a lot of modern philosophers:
(Verses in which I was so inaftuated some 4 years back at the beginning of my amateur
and self-patched "philosophy odyssey" ).

Out of the piece called "Celebration of Peace"

Man has learned much since morning,
For we are a conversation, and we can listen
To one another. Soon we'll be song.
And the picture of time, which the great spirit unfolds,
Lies as a sign before us, indicating that a covenant
Between himself and others, himself and other powers exists.
Not he alone, but also the unconceived and eternal ones
Are recognizable in the picture,
Just as our mother, the earth, recognizes herself,
And light and air, through the plant kingdom.
But the all-gathering day of the festival
Is the ultimate sign of love, the witness
Of your existence, o holy powers. 1


1 http://home.att.net/~holderlin/poem/celebrationofpeace.htm

Thursday, 21 August 2008

"The Four Injuries"

"Part of reinventing the sacred is to heal these injuries—injuries that we hardly know we suffer. If we are members of a universe in which emergence and ceaseless creativity abound, if we take that creativity as a sense of God we can share, the resulting sense of the sacredness of all of life and the planet can help orient our lives beyond the consumerism and commodification the industrialized world now lives, heal the split between reason and faith, heal the split between science and the humanities, heal the want of spirituality, heal the wound derived from the false reductionist belief that we live in a world of fact without values, and help us jointly build a global ethic. These are what is at stake in finding a new scientific worldview that enables us to reinvent the sacred."1

By Stuart A. Kauffman
1 http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/kauffman08/kauffman08_index.html

See please the relation of these "four injuries" to the four planes of the Harmony Model:

Humanities, values =======> The Cultural plane

Reason===============> The Social plane

Faith================> The Spiritual plane

Science, facts ==========> The Material plane


Friday, 8 August 2008

The Paradigm for Africa and Ethiopia?

 Words of Emotion*


"Make it as simple as possible, but not less  simple" (Einstein)


"Oh," said the mouse, "the world is becoming tighter with each passing day. First, it was so wide that I was afraid.  I ran and ran on and was happy to finally find a wall in a distance. Left and right in the distance I saw the walls, but these long walls rush so quickly to each other that I already find myself in the last room, and there at an angle, is the trap in which I run."-

" You only have to change the direction, „said the cat and ate the rat. (Kafka fable…My translation; 1/)


Lacks the State,
The “Stick and the Stock”?

The Paradigm,

The Shift and The Dead Ends

Oh! Tiny and Mighty!

Would you Change your mind?


1.    Social  

Change your mind
Challenge your head.

Don’t ache your head,
Don't break your heart,
If you still, feel the heat,
If you indeed hear the beat.

Tiny and mighty!
Aren’t  you happy!?TAKE A BREAK! And scream,You need a therapy!

Challenge your head,
You will get your bread.
Change your mind,
You will get your state,
You are now at stake.

If you have in mind,
The dead end and the rat
In the KAFKA FABLE (1),
The wall and the cat...

The cat, ... is just a cat
Not a friend not a rat.
It is good for the rat

Not to follow suite,
Not to consult the cat.

***Don’t ache your head,
Don't pose like a cat,
You can live like a rat,
If you are not a cat!

If you are not a rat, nor a cat,
Make a leap, take a rideYou may not need a state
Nor a shift, ...not a shit or a sheet!

Change your mind,
Challenge your head,
Mold your set.

Build your head,Right and left, left and right
Build a mind, make a set;
The Dead Ends are your Heads
In your Heads,
Not the STATE, nor the RENTS.
Soft is, ... the conflict,
The state and private.
Hard are the rocks,
Concrete, the cement, the matter,
The grey in your heads,
Need the shift.


2.    The  Human 

Change your mind
Challenge your head.
Don’t ache your head,
Don't break your heart,
If you still, feel the heat,
If you indeed hear the beat.

Tiny and mighty!
Aren’t you happy!?
TAKE A BREAK! And scream,You need a therapy!

Challenge your head,
You will get your bread.
Change your mind,
You will get your state,
You are now at stake.


You may change,

The waters in the seas
A thousand, and a hundred times.
Never could a rock,
And a dead fish swim.The Shift, the Rift,...the Move,
And the PEACE you lack,
It's in your MIND.

Not the STATE,

The “Stick or the Stock”
YOU! You have to “develop”!

Make your mind,
Mold your set;
Build your head,
Right and left, left and right
Make a set.
Step ahead or backward
Ask the dead or the old,
The Antic, the Polis,
Your meta - the Physics,
The maxim,
Is as old,... as Mankind.
And the DEAD ENDS,
Are your heads.
Africa, has a LOT,
Of your sort and your lots.
It is You, the DEAD ENDS,
Africa needs, not a shiftIn Para-DIGM,Is a shift and shuffle of your kinds,
That it lacks.For its peace, for its fate,
Rich in bread.
Healthy child, best mind...

Call it, if you like, Demo-Cracy,

But Attention! Demagogy,

 “Z” and “c”, Philology.

At times and History,

Demo-craCy goes craZy…

At such moments,
Stop TIME,

Go and Go ahead,
To the SOURCE....the best b-reed,

The Origin, the  best c-reed.

Change your mind
Challenge your head.Don’t hesitate,
Break your head,
Break your heart
You would have IT,
A MOMENT  bit,
universal, AFRICAN BEAT.


3.   Cultural  

Change your mind
Challenge your head.

Don’t ache your head,
Don't break your heart,
If you still, feel the heat,
If you indeed hear the beat.

Tiny and mighty!
You aren’t happy!
TAKE A BREAK! And scream,
You need a therapy!

ENOUGH is Enough!

Call the spade by the name!

Let the cat be a cat!
Let the rat be a rat!

For a sufficient LIFE;

Like the Yin and Yang

In the Eastern Wisdom,

Like the Son and Father

In the Christian Faith,

Like the Star and the Moon,

In the Sufi mystics,

In the Muslim Belief.


If you are,
Neither Cat nor a Rat!
Make a leap take a ride!
Mold your lot, blend your set!
Change your mind!
Change your head!

Feel the Spirit!
Lest, You are NONE!

Or ‘Orbis’ and A MAN!
Of the laity....the clergy.
The Light, the sound or the beat.

It’s the moment TO BE,

At NO TIME, at a Point.

The Para- the Plasma-
The Laicus’ -COMMON SENSE.
THE SPACE, The quantum and,

The Para-SIGHT.


4.    Material   
Tiny and mighty,

You're not happy.
TAKE A BREAK! And scream,
You need a therapy!

***Sing…a Song….and

 scream…Hi Hi Loneliness!!!
Bye Bye Happiness!!!

So far, the lay,
It's Sell and lie, Lie and “Buy”

Poor Africa! Cry and Die!
You never know.....
May be......FLY
Maya ... F......L.......Y.....!? (2)

High,  Higher and High.

And "ETHIOPIA" !!? 

Do You still sing and cry…….only cry?

…….08.08.08..… “WAAAAAAAI”  !

And ….AI !?

Always  I AI …

Nothing but WAI….and …. I.


5.   Spiritual   
Tiny and mighty!
TAKE A BREAK! And then scream,
You need a therapy!

The Greed or the Head,

Lacks the Remedy;



OH NO! Tiny and Mighty!!



To Harmony,

To the cosmic,

The DIVINE Proportion,


Is always sufficient room!


6.    The Absolute 


Change your mind,

Challenge your head;

“The TEACHER comes, only

When the Student is ready!” (3)

For a discourse – in common sense

Philosophy, the Therapy.


From the Laicus….to the Expert


This piece, *Words of emotion” is a tiny expression of rage, in memory of the classical “Berekete Mergem”, which gave birth to “a generation of emotion”, in vain sacrificed and the African-Ethiopian lot still without its bread 

and appropriate head. It is conceived in the tradition of “Semina Work”.


The Kafka fable in the original German:

 " »Ach«, sagte die Maus, »die Welt wird enger mit jedem Tag. Zuerst war sie so breit, dass ich Angst hatte, ich lief weiter und war glücklich, dass ich endlich rechts und links in der Ferne Mauern sah, aber diese langen Mauern eilen so schnell aufeinander zu, dass ich schon im letzten Zimmer bin, und dort im Winkel steht die Falle, in die ich laufe.« – »Du musst nur die Laufrichtung ändern«, sagte die Katze und fraß sie."


1)       The MAYA Calendar, which is referred to end on the 21. 12. 2012 is considered by astronomers and mystics to be a special date, when an extra ordinary celestial constellation would take place. “On the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years.” http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2007-03-27-maya-2012_n.htm

2)       “The Teacher comes only when the student is ready”; interpreted from… A Buddhist Proverb: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. ... meaning that “Peace and change come from within. Do not seek it without.”


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A Flash of the Day (Archive)

1. Working on the big "GOOD SENSE": The sense of Beauty.
( via cf. "The Logic of Sense" /Deleuze) (9/2010)

2. በትርታ ይጀምራል፤ ትር ትር ይልና ይተርታል ወይንም ይተረታል ወይንም ተረት ይሆንና ይተረተራል፤ ተረት ይሆናል።(9/2010)

3. Degrading the other to "none-will" is inhuman and counter productive... The human point is to come to a common "Big-Will"(10/2010)

4. The "inner universe" (mystics) to the "outer universe" (physics) is allegorically related as the conscious mind to the virus in the human body. (6/10/2010)

5. Feeling is the language of the "inner Universe". Music/arts is the interface between the "inner" and "outer" universe.

6. Demoralization is a disgusting political tool -an expression of inhumanity employed in a social evolution, indicating the inhumanity of the employer! A disaster! (7/10/2010).

7. "In Girard's language, the law order is "mythical" and as such obeys the logic of the founding murder." (cf. Peter Robert Stork; 2005)

8. "Wenn sich zwei streiten, freut sich der Dritte"/
When two people quarrel, a third rejoices... This will be a legacy; and in the 21st century, "Wenn sich zwei einigen, freut sich der Dritte" may take over. /A mutual understanding of two people rejoices the third/.

9. My quotation of the Day (8.11.10):

Baldwin’s thought: ("The Baldwin effect")
“It is as inexorable as the colour of his eyes and the shape of his nose. He is born into a system of social relationships just as he is born into a certain quality of air. As he grows in body by breathing the one, so he grows in mind by absorbing the other.’ (Baldwin, 1906: 69-70)

If "I AM" the observer (the conscious entity) so that the quanta of matter/mass (the wave function) would collapse to be a particle /the particle object), enhancing IT to the phase of THE Existing Reality.
Couldn't I -The Self- hope and help the spiritual energy/ my consciousness/ as well, to extend the transformed energy /After Life/to collapse into that existence of "THAT Beyond" Life (1). Life pertaining to "intelligent" energy (spiritual beings in the sphere of the Akashic Field), as the reflection of the "intelligent" matter or mass (human beings in the sphere of "thermodynamics" or gravity ). 17.11.10

(1) like J.Wheeler's Model of "the participating observer" in the Universe.

11. Forget Time! And mind Your Mind only (24.11.10).
I.e. "Talk about "time out of mind"!"(1)

(1) http://www.megafoundation.org/CTMU/Articles/Time.html

12. Wikileaks in Amharic philo-play:

የዊቂ -ሊቅ ሰዋ ስው ...ባልታወቀ ነገር፤ሊቅ ፤ቂል ፤ ቅልቅል ፤ ቅል፤ ቀላል ቂል ወይስ ....በቃኝ ብሎ፤ ቅንጣት ቅብ -ብቅል ቀልቦ ፤ወደ ብቃት ሲቃ፤ ሲግዋዝ ይሁን ፤ ሲያንቀጠቅጥ ወይስ ተቀላቅሎ ሲያንቀለቅል።ያልታወቀ ነገር።

13. Gates and Centres:

Life , nature and actually the whole Universe know nothing about Top and Bottom or Up and Down. There are just centres in reality. Centres and Centres with all of them having their Gates, Gates leading to the Centres. What is wrong with mankind, always with the tick for tops and bottoms or ups and downs and not centres, but fixed to the gates, without the moral courage to move towards the centres -to build the symphony
- the symphony in the SPHERE.


- The SPHERE of IDEAS is THE WORD of the SOURCE. THE WORD - The PLAY where this ASHORE and that BEYOND of the HARMONY is eternally tuned to exist in the SYMPHONY of ALL, flowing and floating like in the "Ballet piece of Joseph Strauss " -the Dynamiden Waltz- with every being offering its harmonious "musical touch". (cf. The Harmony Model)

Morning, 03.12.10

ሰው በምግብ ብቻ አይኖርም....ወሎ

14. መቃብር ላይ የሚፃፍ /+++ተጨማሪ!/

መቃብር ላይ የሚፃፍ (ከርፖርተር የተገኘ)

ጥብቅ ማሳሰቢያ ሸክላን ለምትሠሩ፤
እዚህ መቃብር ላይ አፈር አትዝገኑ፡፡
ሲነድ ሲቃጠል ሲጨስ በመኖሩ፣

ሲቃጠል ለሚኖር፣
ለጀበና መሥሪያ አይሆንም አፈሩ፡፡

(አንድ ከሚመለከተው የተጨመረ!
ከመቃብር በፊት)

ሰው ለመስራት ብቻ ከፍቀደ አየሩ
ክህነት ካላችሁ አሰቡ መርምሩ
ተራ ከገባችሁ ዘክሩ አስዘክሩ
ያልሆነው እንዲሆን ምከሩ ሞክሩ
ሽቀጣና ሽቀት እንዳይሆን ሃገሩ
አንድ ቀን እንደሆን አይቀር መቃ-ብሩ።

Michelle Holliday's Humanity 4.0 

15. Human DIGNITY:

21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!

11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!

Thanks to Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!

እንደዚህ ሆነና ...እስኪሆን ይሆናል!



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Statement of Principle

Life is a jewel, a gift of the Absolute, which compares and equals nothing, other than its own defence and purpose:


Dedicated for all who suffered and lost their lives for the well-being of Ethiopia